COVID-19 Procedures

We at EMT Academy are dedicated to providing a safe environment for our students. We are closely monitoring all pertinent guidelines that are handed down from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and continuously update our procedures to reflect those guidelines.  The following are the current procedures for EMT Academy.


  • Per the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Advisory (20-05-01)
  • EMS Training: Effective immediately, Department-accredited EMS training institutions (ATIs) and non-accredited training providers (collectively, “training providers”) may operate EMT and Paramedic courses, as long as they can do so in accordance with the requirements below, which are based on current Department and U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Social Distancing guidelines, until the Governor’s declared state of emergency is terminated. 
  • During the declared state of emergency, for all EMS courses held in Massachusetts, whether initial or continuing education, all EMS training providers must comply with the following requirements:
    • Individuals who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the CDC (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) are encouraged to stay home​ and not participate in training at course sites. 
    • All didactic content shall be delivered using distributive, or virtual instructor-led methods, to decrease the time students are in contact with others. The Department will not approve any in-person didactic continuing education courses.
    • For hands-on and lab components of courses, training providers must implement a symptom-monitoring program, to include:
    • Before entering the facility daily, the training provider must document symptom checks for all instructors, students, and staff on-site, which should include queries about exposure risk to suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients, presence of symptoms, and presence of fever of 100.4 F or greater.
    • Use CDC guidance for risk assessment for healthcare providers, available at
    • If any instructors, students, or staff present with a fever, or any symptoms, they must be excluded from the premises. 
    • Training providers must provide education to all instructors, students, and staff on the donning, use, and doffing of protective personal equipment (PPE).
    • Training providers must limit groups of students and staff within a room to no more than 10 individuals total, and distance individuals at least 6 feet apart, as training duties permit.
    • All instructors, students, and staff must wash their hands immediately upon entering the training site, upon donning or doffing PPE, and frequently throughout their stay. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol may be used when handwashing facilities are not available
    • All instructors, students, and staff must wear surgical masks at all times when at the training site. 
    • All students must wear non-latex procedure gloves and eye protection at all times when performing psychomotor skills, including patient assessment. 
    • Training providers must thoroughly clean and decontaminate all spaces and equipment used on a regular basis (at least daily), using EPA-registered agents. 

EMT Academy Procedures

  • Building Entry Procedure
    • Upon arriving at EMT Academy, all staff/students and other visitors will have to sign in; attest they are not feeling ill; take and document their temperature, and wash their hands. 
    • If anyone does not feel well per the guideline, access will not be permitted.
    • All staff/students and other visitors are required to wear facial coverings and adhere to all the policies herein.
    • During EMS Courses that require practical skills; students will be limited to (8) at a time in the building with (2) instructors.  All safety guidelines shall be followed.
    • Bathrooms are limited to (2) occupants at a time.
    • No “hanging around”; when class activities are complete, all students shall leave the property.
  • Social Distancing
    • All  persons, including employees, students, vendors, etc. should remain at least six feet apart to the greatest extent possible, both inside and outside while on EMT Academy property
    • Students participating in hands-on activities will do so in a safe manner and maintain social distancing when able. Masks, gloves, and eye protection (as appropriate) shall be worn.
    • Adherence to social distancing guidelines in hallways and common areas. 
    • EMTA  will have signage in place as a reminder.
    • Face coverings or masks for all employees and students are required.
  • Hygiene Protocols
    • EMTA  will provide handwashing capabilities throughout the workplace and mandate frequent handwashing including upon arrival at the building.
    • All staff and students will wash hands often
    • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
    • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
    • Hand sanitizer located in each classroom.
    • Provide regular sanitization of high touch areas, such as workstations, equipment, screens, doorknobs, restrooms throughout the worksite.
    • Instructor and students shall disinfect areas utilized during training (desks, equipment, etc.)
    • Disinfectant cleaner and disposable towels will be placed in classroom areas. Disinfectant wipes will also be on hand for equipment.
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
    • Cover coughs and sneezes
    • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow.
    • Throw used tissues in the trash.
    • Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, clean your hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
    • EMTA has a custodial employee who cleans the building every morning before opening.